All your burning questions... Answered!

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Frequently Asked Questions

Birchwood Energy are able to remove the time and effort that is needed by a company in ensuring that your renewal prices are competitive. In addition, we can identify the most competitive supply prices available for your business. Being an independent consultancy, you will always get free and impartial advice from us.

Finally, controlling your energy contract is important. We will ensure that your termination letter, if required, is produced on a timely basis, thus avoiding being rolled over with your supplier at an uncompetitive and inflated rate.

We find many customers are simply unaware there are substantial savings to be made by using our services. Many customers do not realise that commercial sites are supplied on fixed price contracts. When the contract expires, if they do not contact the supplier and serve notice that they wish to renegotiate a new price (typically the notice has to be served three months before the contract end date), they are automatically tied over onto an out-of-contract rate at a premium to the normal contract rate.

No. Changing suppliers (if required) never results in the interruption of supply. Birchwood Energy endeavour to ensure a seamless and efficient transition process for all our customers.

We receive commissions from the supplier for introducing a new customer, or for renewing a contract with an existing supplier.

Yes, any business is free to choose one of the 30 or so energy supply companies that operate in the UK but only at the end of an existing contract with your current supplier. Birchwood Energy will facilitate the smooth change from one supplier to another or renegotiate new rates with a customer's existing supplier at the end of a contract.

Please call us and we will advise you about your contract options.

Once you are at the end of an existing contract, it only takes a matter of weeks to change suppliers as each supplier has different termination requirements, which we will handle. At no point is your energy supply interrupted.

The wholesale price of gas and electricity is not predictable and continually fluctuates. The market is influenced by world events and the supply and demand of the world's producers and consumers. Fluctuating wholesale prices mean that the price of gas and electricity offered to UK commercial customers by the 20 or so supply companies is never the same.

By constantly monitoring the changes in the energy market, Birchwood Energy on behalf of its customers can identify the most competitive gas and electricity prices for an individual business or site.

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